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FAQs: Accountants

How will eFileBuddy reach out to my clients?

When you click Invite Client on your dashboard, eFileBuddy sends a personalized email invite to your client to the email address you provided.


You can resend the invite as many times as you like from your dashboard. Once they have accepted the invite and created an account, you will receive a confirmation email from eFileBuddy.

How does eFileBuddy collect 1099-NEC filing data from my clients?

Simply enter your client's name, company information, and email address, and eFileBuddy will automatically create a personal portal for your client to enter and submit their 1099-NEC info to you. 


Your client will receive an introductory email invite from your firm to their personal eFileBuddy portal.

They log in to the account from your invitation, enter their contractors' data, and hit Submit to Accountant.

Will I know which client has set up their new eFileBuddy portal?

Yes. We send you an email informing you that a client has logged into their dashboard for the first time.


In your dashboard, you will see the clients who have set up their account in the Incomplete column.

In the Clients Tab, the Client Activated Account Invite status turns green for these clients.


How to view which client has set up their portal from your dashboard:

1. In the Progress Board Tab, under the Incomplete column you will see your activated clients.


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2. In your dashboard click on the Payer Clients Tab to view your full list of clients. 


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3. You can easily identify which clients have activated their accounts with the green checkmark.


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Can I file a 1099 without any involvement from my client?

Yes, you can file a 1099 without your client needing to use their portal by manually entering information from both your client and their contractor.

How can I edit my client's information?

You, the accountant, can edit your client's information by simply clicking on the Edit Details section in your dashboard.


Note: Keep in mind that clients (payors) cannot have their emails edited, because it is the unique identifier for their account. 


Follow these steps:

1. In your dashboard click on the Payer Clients Tab.


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2. Select the name of the client you want to edit. 


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3. Click on Edit Details and add the new information.


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4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Save button.



Can I use eFileBuddy to issue a 1099 to myself?

Yes! You can add yourself to your dashboard as a "Payor." One important note is that you have to use a different email address for the "Client" than for the "Accountant." 


Since each email address is its own account, if you use the same email address, it will not add a new client because that email address will already be in use.

Can I file Prior Years?

Yes. During checkout, you will see that the year is defaulted to the current year (2023).

However, you can click on the drop-down and choose another year during checkout.


Follow these steps:

1. In your dashboard, select the client under the Ready to File column, then click on the File Individually drop-down.


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2. Click on the File Individually option for the 1099 you want to file. 


3. Click on the Filing Year drop-down, then select the year you wish to file. 


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Do we get a copy of the 1099-NEC?

Yes, the 1099 PDF is always available in your dashboard and in your client's dashboard as well.

No more dealing with repeated client requests for the same 1099 you sent five times already.

Can I add my clients in batches?

You will be able to add clients in batches, in time for the next tax season.

Currently, we are working on building out the feature and will notify you once it becomes available.